Monday, August 9, 2010


Another year of football is about to begin. It's time to get kids signed up for the East Valley Apaches. Sign up is 8/11 to 8/13, this Wednesday to Friday, from 6pm to 8pm at the East Valley practice field off of Beaudry Road. You will need to fill out an information packet, pay the $85 entry fee and turn in a physical. If you don't have the physical yet, that's ok.

Help get the word out! If you have access to a reader board help us get that information out so we can field a big turnout.

Practice starts on Monday the 16th at 5:30pm until 7:30pm. Practice might go to 8pm.

We will be able to get pads on Saturday the 21st. The time is still to be determined. You can't wear them until you have had 5 practices so don't miss any the first week. You can get them if you don't have the practices in but can't suit up until you get in your 5.

Apaches football needs your help! There are many things that need to get done to support your kids.
Here is a list of opportunities:
Fund raisers, both soliciting businesses and events
Team photographers, 1 for each team
Board members to help with organization
Help with the professional team photographer
We need a watering tree to keep them hydrated

1 comment:

  1. did we get new uniforms and colors this year?


Our Sponsors

Yakima Lock & Safe

Royal Trucking

East Valley Firefighters Association
